The Grayling Research Trust

Stephen Gregory

Trustee since 2022

From Kent originally, I matured in Wales (University of Swansea), southern England (University of Oxford, UNEP-WCMC Cambridge, RSPB Bedfordshire), France (University of Orsay/Saclay) and elsewhere overseas (Kenya, Galapagos Islands, Australia). Nowadays, I am rooted in Dorset working at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) Weymouth campus.

Anton Ibbotson and Rich Cove introduced me to grayling in 2015 when I first helped out with the Wylye Grayling and Trout Survey (WGTS). I continued to contribute to the WGTS until 2021 and contributed to peer-reviewed scientific papers on the population (see website library). I bring statistical, information technology and fisheries expertise to bear on grayling science.

Away from my computer, I enjoy running, cycling (although mainly for commuting) and rock climbing. It’s my ambition to get back into snowboarding before I become too fragile.

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