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Grayling Spawning Survey
The GRT has launched a project to record sightings and the timing of grayling spawning; i.e. actually laying eggs, rather than just pre-spawning movements onto spawning areas, or pre-spawning behaviour, which are also of interest, but take place over a longer time. This study is being undertaken because there is little information on the timing of grayling spawning and how this varies across the country/continent.
It is hoped that the findings from this study will be used to inform the planning of in-stream engineering works and help protect important spawning habitat. If you are out on the river bank and notice grayling spawning, please let the GRT know: the River, Date, Location (NGR or marked up map if possible, but at least the nearest town/village) and any additional observations. To report sightings is easy: either fill the short form below or contact us.
Results will be mapped and displayed on the GRT website as they come in, and updated maps shown at AGMs.
Grayling Spawning Survey Results