The Grayling Research Trust

John Dart

Trustee since 2022

John KG Dart has been a member of the GRT since 2022 at the suggestion of Robin Mulholland who, like John, is a member of the Piscatorial Society of which John is a current Board Member. His current Board role is to develop and oversee the research base for the society’s fisheries including the Wylye grayling study and the two PhD studentships evaluating the effects of the Anton restoration. He has 20 years’ experience of fishing the Southern Chalk Streams. He has been the Secretary of the Grayling Research Trust since 2023.


His first degree was in Zoology leading to fieldwork and publications in marine ecology. He subsequently trained as a physician and continues to work as a clinical scientist at Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL, currently as Hon. Consultant and Professor. These activities have given him broad experience in scientific methodology, funding, and management by committee.

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